
David Davis Lawyers – agents for PEXA property transactions


PEXA Agent Services | Victoria, Australia

Since 1 October 2018, almost all property law transactions are to be transacted through the PEXA system (the Property Exchange Australia). We do agency work for solicitors and law firms who are not familiar with, or do not use, the PEXA property transactions system.

At David Davis, we’ve been using PEXA practically since it was available and we’re confident we can assist you with your property transactions.

Many law firms do not have conveyancing as a practice area, and may only need to use PEXA occasionally. We have acted as agents for firms to assist them with all their property law transactions particularly, firms who practice in Family Law, Equity & Trusts, Commercial or & Wills Estates.

How can we assist you as agents for PEXA property transactions?

As your agents, we can assist you in all your conveyancing matters from start to finish, including:

  • Caveats
  • Withdraw Caveats
  • Applications by Personal Representative (“APR”)
  • Applications by Surviving Proprietor (“ASP”)
  • Property Transfers
  • Priority Notices

If you don’t want the hassle of signing up, preparing authorities and learning the security protocols, the online system, and the tips and traps of PEXA, all for the rare occasion your client requires a property transaction, then we can help.

Contact our office today for a quote on your property transaction.

Our office is also available to assist interstate or international law firms where their clients have property in Victoria, Australia, with their transactions.

Agency work with Wills, Estates and Estate Litigation

Are you an interstate or overseas firm that needs assistance with Victorian Wills and Estates?

We offer assistance and act as agents for interstate and international law firms that require assistance with:

  • Application for Grants of Probate and other Grants of Representation
  • Reseals
  • Estate Administration
  • Part IV Claims
  • Revocations
  • Statutory Wills
  • Contested Wills
  • Preparation and Drafting of documents
  • Filing and Serving documents
  • Briefing Counsel.
  • And more

In the Victorian Civil and Administration Tribunal (VCAT) jurisdiction we can assist you with matters in the Guardianship List including:

  • Applications to be appointed Administrators and/or Guardians
  • Appointment of Administrators
  • Contested hearings
  • Elder Abuse

Contact our office to find out how we can work with you for all your PEXA property transaction requirements.

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